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Cufon Smooth Hover DEMO

Enables a smooth hover color transition on Cufonized elements

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Cufon Smooth Hover

The text "hover me" is a link, and transitions smoothly when hovered on.

Hover over me. Not me

// html
<h4><a href="#">Hover over me</a>. Not me</h4>
// css
a.csh { color: royalblue; }
// js
Cufon.replace( 'h3' );
$.cufonHover({speed: 800});

Original method of applying hover

The text "hover me" is a link, but changes colors abruptly.

Hover over me. Not me

// html
<h4><a href="#">Hover over me</a>. Not me</h4>
// js
Cufon.replace( 'h3', { hover: { color: 'royalblue' } } );